Intellectual Property Claim

Intellectual Property Rights & Protection

Copyright law safeguards original works of authorship that have been fixed in a tangible form. This includes, but is not limited to, photographs, artwork, written content, and other creative expressions.

Trademark law protects words, logos, symbols, or designs that uniquely represent and distinguish a brand or the origin of goods. This ensures that your brand’s identity remains exclusive and recognizable.

Publicity Rights:
Publicity rights guarantee that an individual’s name, image, or likeness cannot be used for commercial gain without explicit permission. Unauthorized use of a person’s identity for marketing or other business activities is strictly prohibited.

If you believe that your intellectual property has been used without authorization, please notify us by emailing [email protected]. When submitting a Notice and Takedown Request, kindly include:

  • A direct link to the infringing content
  • Proof of ownership (e.g., links to your official website or supporting documents)
  • Your name and contact information
  • “TAKEDOWN REPORT” as the subject line of your email

For any additional questions or further assistance, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We take the protection of intellectual property very seriously and are committed to addressing any concerns promptly.

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